The fertile ground of CIAM at Milano Design Week 2021.

In this new edition, Alcova proves to be a fertile basin for art, design and philosophical thought. The suggestive space in via Simone Saint Bon 1 is repopulated with ideas and cultural ferment, with revolutionary objects and evocative installations.
The HumUs – Fluid Ground concept, conceived by Ciam for its space, overturns roles and forms of interaction, mixing flavors, aesthetics and sharing on the new TABLE, designed by Fabrizio Milesi in collaboration with Matteo Brioni, the refrigerated showcase-counter that acts as a theater of the beautiful and the good. The large and heterogeneous audience that continues to populate the event from its opening until September 12, finds a real stage on which Laila Gohar’s food art performance comes to life, with its unexpected colors and textures, and that creates mysterious contrasts and harmonies with the earthy material of TABLE. A symbolic land on which the relationship between refrigeration, art, food and design grows luxuriant, the humus that gives daily lymph to the CIAM vision.
We invite you to visit again the space of Alcova 2021 at Via Simone Saint Bon,1 and discover the CIAM experience, which will be open until September 12.