CIAM obtains the 2017 certificate of Welfare Excellence

We are proud of this important recognition for having integrated, with responsibility and intuition, innovative strategies aimed to improve the wellness of our human resources and to have allocated part of our profit to this project as a brand-new business policy!
Here below we report the article published on the “Il Nuovo Corriere Nazionale”.
Click here to read the article in italian
In 2016 Ciam achieved important goals: +16% sales volume and +77% foreign export sales. As stated by CEO Federico Malizia.
A virtuous example: CIAM achieves important goals and it employees also benefit from that. Business welfare represents a growth model for companies that have understood how important is to appreciate its own inner human resources. This actualizes in the organization of activities that consider employees’ needs which allow a better integration between private life and working life. This is just the case of the Umbrian company that now has 124 employees, after having hired a lot of them during this year.
Federico Malizia, CIAM CEO who will just turn 40 in 2017, is one of the first businessman in Italy to invest in personalized interventions of prevention appropriate for the recipient: a welfare action for the future. A choice that implies a great inclination to innovation, to social sustainability and the attention towards employees’ wellness.
The gift, received by the employees at Christmas, represents an additional recognition for the work and commitment carried out in order to achieve important goals such as a +16% increase in turnover and a +77% increase in export sales. Moreover, 2016 was a year of strong investments for the company innovation: more than 1.5 billion euro spent on wood and aluminum cutting machines, vacuum machines, realization of new warehouses and storages, a new business software and a new website. In the next few months, the house of technology is going to see the light just in the middle of our factory. A large area dedicated to design and innovations where new and old products will be shown and where customers, researchers, and will be welcome.
“Welfare actions that we decided to take” claims Malizia during annual Christmas dinner “represent an investment on development of the human resources“ “Introduction of prevention considered as a useful mean to spread a culture based on wellness seen as a way of improvement for the quality of life” he continued “marks the strengthening of a new bond focused on our philosophy, based on the sense of community and care for those who take part in the life of the company” he concluded.
CIAM SpA represents an Umbrian excellence in design and technology supply for shopfitters in the catering, bar, pastry and ice cream areas. The company has stood out during the years for its reliability, punctuality and great care for people. Nowadays man is the excellence, a young entrepreneur who takes the lead, able to build strong and creative relationships, not only in the business area.
In this regard, Federico Malizia has been rewarded with the “Welfare excellence certificate 2017” given by LogicaMed as “First entrepreneur able to distinguish himself for having integrated, with responsibility and intuition, innovative business strategies for the improvement of his human resources’ well-being” and for having decided to allocate part of his income to the well-being of his employees as a new business policy.
At the base, there is, therefore, the desire and willingness to develop a genuine culture of health and self-care by realizing, within the workplace, of an exclusive intervention model, made of measuring and educational moments that aim to spread awareness and need for good practices in order to encourage much healthier individual choices.
Very often, indeed, individuals do not spend enough time to care for themselves, and that is exactly why CEO Federico Malizia guides his employees through a developing process of their potentials by sharing his ecological view of health with them. All the educational actions taken by the company will, indeed, be points for discussion in the family.
“The enhancement of life quality by means of prevention and education to well-being, therefore, is one of the main purposes for the new year to come” as Federico Malizia claims. “A journey that has already started and that will continue over time, through multiple stages that will strengthen our vision of business” he carries on “a vision which includes welfare among the social responsibility policies of the enterprise and which considers the competitive advantage strictly connected to collective wellness, to the business community which, this year, increased the number of its employees from 102 to 124” as CEO of CIAM s.p.a. concludes.
The Umbrian business company considers research and innovation its strong points, strictly connected to another fundamental aspect, that of craftsmanship: more than 45% of the products are, as a matter of fact, custom-made, modeled according to the single needs. Always devoted to safety and quality, today CIAM, which is based in Petrignano d’Assisi, has decided to focus and increase its investments on a fundamental element for the enterprise: the human being, without whom any added value would be lost.