FAUST Fest: CIAM’s design welcomes the art of Italo Rota

Days of great cultural importance in Turi. From 1st to 4th November, two successful events such as Artissima and FAUST Fest were held side by side: the triumph of art and contemporaneity in the shadow of the Mole Antonelliana.
Particularly, the FAUST has seen the collaboration of CIAM and Gianluigi Ricuperati, curator and organizer of the event. The goal of the festival is very important and it takes place in some of the most special places of the city such as Via della Rocca, with exhibitions, lectures and talks with the unique participation of some of the most brilliant contemporary intellectuals.
An important cultural context that has seen the participation of photographers, philosophers, writers, architects and where space has also been given to CIAM’s design and technology.
“An original festival that, with its night spirit, has given us a chance to live and see new concepts, ideas and forms of art from another point of view. A special experience which enables us to resume the sharing of projects and cultural and artistic values in continuity with what we have already done in the past with Universo Assisi” says Federico Malizia, CEO of Ciam.
The chocolate Jewelry display showcased the works of designer Italo Rota. That is, the collection of Xenofore shells: gastropods that during their oceanic life have carried away other shells with them.